Friday, April 11, 2008

New AD Creative Productions background?

Tell me what u think about it.......

Weird Dreams

There was a sea of blood on a field of green,
Two sides were at war.......
Flags of two great nations danced in the wind that smelt like death.
The grass was soon soaked crimson as the bodies pile up like a fortress.
The ancient uniforms of red and the enemy blue......
with tall hats that seems like they have nothing to do.
The rifles and their bayonets long.....
run the body thru n gut their prey........
I stood alone in a moutain of carcasses.....
without a soul, those poor little bastards.....
I drew my sword in cold solituide.......
n plunge it down my own throat .......
to escape the haunting cries of the ghostly bugle.