Monday, March 17, 2008

Preshoot with Tung Tong and Aver

The above picture is credited toTung Tong:
For those readers out there who do not know know me that well........
I am a photographer who has fallen in love with my favourite subject matter.....
my dear model -Aver who is now my girlfriend......
Was somehow stuck at a certain level in my photography and was wondering how I could manage to find a break thru.......
That was when we meet Tung Tong........
He has God Like DI skills!!!! Totally! No kidding.... just see the pic above for evidence!
And he can still say he is not good at computers!
And his eye for the world is so different!!! Check out his website and you will see why!!!

Inspires me to do my own DI....cannot be lazy anymore...... must work hard.......
Just as Bruce Lee had said years ago: If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

Thus my breakthru is one that comes in the form of making my mind like water...... continue to be inspired by those around me....... do not be restricted by perception....always searching for a breakthru..... n off course....working very hard!!!!

Really gotta thank Tung Tong for this! Skills and techniques can be taught but the most powerful way to impact someone is to change their mind......
Thanks , Dude!